Bridget Knox

How will people find my website?

That’s what SEO – or search engine optimisation – is really about.

Search engines like Google or Bing have algorithms that are very complex and kept somewhat secret (so that they can’t be manipulated falsely). But they have common criteria for successful ranking in their searches too.

Search engines have ‘bots’ that crawl around the web and build a huge index of sites, these sites are then ‘ranked’ as to which are most relevant . To give you some idea; a search engine algorithm will measure at least 200 factors to try to find a good match when someone types words (keywords) or phrases (key phrases) in as a search.

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WordPress Websites for Builders

Cos Interiors Pty Ltd

COS Interiors design, build and install cabinetry of the highest standard. When they contacted us, their website was out of date, not mobile friendly and did not showcase their exceptional quality craftsmanship. COS needed a new contemporary website full of their beautiful images to show to clients.

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